Seeking for Satori
Every time you seek Enlightenment you lose it.
You had it, though you were not aware of it, but when you sought it you inevitably turned away from it.
Whenever we start to search for something we have not lost we always necessarily separate ourselves from it.
Spiritual Experience
When I hear people speaking of experiences ('spiritual' understood) that they have had, or that some other, envied, person has had, and which appear to imply some kind of preliminary or try-out of Satori, I invariably wonder what on earth they are talking about; and with such earnestness - for slightly hushed voices are often invoked. Such experiences, since they are recognised as such, are evidently experiences in time and are therefore inapplicable to a context which implies reality. Neither Satori nor any other spiritual state could be in Time, nor, not being in Time, could be an experience.
The Void (sunyata) is called emptiness because it cannot be an object of knowledge (or consciousness). That is, it is only empty to us as subject for whom every percept is object. This rendering as 'emptiness' has caused endless confusion - for 'Void' is not that at all, but, on the contrary, Reality Itself.
It is the hypostasis of the opposites, the dimensional extension of linear contradictions, or their 'inner' identity, i.e. the identity which becomes apparent when their extension in a further dimension is perceived.