Bewildering Bits and Painful Pieces - II

Leave objects to look after themselves, if any, and recognise the absence of their subject as an object.

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'Non-abiding' means not abiding in a 'self'.

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That which is self is other: that which is other is self,
And this which I am is neither self nor other.

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Dialectic mind, divided into subject and object, reasoning by means of the comparison of opposites, necessarily sees such opposites, all opposites, as different.

But whole-mind, noumenon, equally necessarily, sees them as not different.

Rather simple, quite obvious? Surely.

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Each 'other' becomes (or is) a 'self' to itself, and each 'self' becomes (or is) an 'other' to another 'self'. This is what 'individuals' are.

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'Jesus said unto them: 'When you make the two one ... then you will go into the Kingdom.' (Gospel of Thomas)

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The resolution of opposites is their coincidence in mutual negation.

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Functioning and potentiality, cognisable as the Functioning of Potentiality, are Prajna the Seeker, Dhyana the Sought. Finding the seeker is finding the sought. 'We' are the seeker, the see-er, the perceiver, the cogniser, 'we' are Prajna. 'We' are the sought, seen, the perceived, the cognised, we are Dhyana. And their absence as Prajna-Dhyana is what we are.

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The interdependent counterpart of 'phenomenal' is not 'noumenal' but 'non-phenomenal'. 'Noumenal' is the absence of 'non-phenomenal'.

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He is a better dog than I am a man, and sometimes a better man also.
I do not pat him, I bow to him.
I called him my dog, now I wonder if I am not his man?

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The void must be void, also, of voidness.

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You? You - whoever you may be - are just an error of perception or a misinterpretation of the facts.

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Non-Objective Relation

My absence as 'me' is my presence as God, and 'your' absence as my object is 'your' presence as God, so that our mutual absence as 'us' (subject and object) is our mutual presence as God. Which is non-objective relation.

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Another droll activity is attempting to do away with, or escape from, a 'self'. How can a shadow eliminate itself?

The shadow will disappear the moment its substance is no longer seen as such, for there will then be nothing to cast a shadow.

What is the use of noughting yourself?
Who is noughting who?
What is the use of searching for yourself?
Who is searching for who?
There are not two of you!

You cannot find yourself, or the absence of yourself.
You are yourself, but you don't know what you are, and
Your guess is wrong!

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I think that I act; an 'I' acts me,
But all the time I am being dreamed by what-I-am.

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The 'apparent' and the 'real' are not different. Why is that? Because they are both words for what our senses propose.

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Subject is in fact total object. As total objectivity it is total subjectivity. 'It' is neither either nor both, but can be conceived as abstract totality. Called 'subject', it is an object; called 'object', it is subject. In their mutual negation it remains as I.

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Negation as Acceptance

Negation implies acceptance, because it is the self-nature or autonomous existence of phenomenal objects that is being denied, and this comports acceptance of these same phenomenal objects, as appearances, so that resistance to them disappears, and they are accepted as manifesting what we are.

(© HKU Press, 1966)

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