I manifest as Sentience.
In order to do so I extend conceptually,
Producing the appearance of 'space' and 'duration'.In order that I may be experienced
In this my space-time universe
I appear divided, so extended, as subject and object,
In order that, Subject, I may experience as object.Thus 'sentience' is not some 'thing'
Experienced by an entity,
For when My conceptual subject and object are mutually negated
What remains is 'I'.Manifested, subject-object discriminates sentience dually,
By opposing interdependent counterparts,
As 'good and bad', 'pleasant and unpleasant', 'joy and sorrow'.
But sentience is what subject-object is,
Because Sentience is what subject-object is as 'I'.
Note: Does this explain why what we 'suffer' as experience is not some thing external to our 'selves', suffered by a 'me', but on the contrary is what we who are suffering experience?
Then - can suffering 'suffer' suffering? Gone with the wind!