Seeing phenomena as noumenon is true seeing.
It is seeing noumenally - that is, in non-objective relation with 'things', instead of seeing phenomenally - which is in objective relation with 'things'.Seeing phenomenally is seeing phenomena as our objects.
Seeing noumenally is seeing phenomena as our selves, as all they are, as their source and as our source. It is very precisely not seeing them as our objects but as their subject, not objectively but subjectively, not as being 'without' but as being 'within'. It is reuniting the separated with their integer which is all that we are.Such true seeing, therefore, is no-seeing (of some thing by some thing), ultimately neither seeing nor non-seeing - since there is then no object to see or not to see, and no subject of no object.
It is re-absorption, re-union, re-identification of the dis-united, making split-mind whole, at-one-ment.
Note: True seeing might perhaps be indicated by the term 'apperceiving' as sometimes used herein.