
A perceiving is in itself pure, i.e. impersonal and real. The interpretation that follows introduces subject and object, and the result is a concept that is unreal.

That is why there is no perceiver, nothing perceived, and only the perceiving really is. It is a manifestation of pure consciousness.


All 'things' and all sentiments are interpretations only, and interpretations cannot be real in any sense.

If this is understood with insight it becomes clear that only mind is, that it is an impersonal non-entity, and that whoever is conscious of this is this and nothing else.

'Reality' is Necessarily Intemporal

Any object of perception appears as a reality in Time, but since there was a period before it existed and there will be, or is now, a period in which it has ceased to exist, it cannot be a 'reality'.

This demonstrates that what is real in Time is unreal in Intemporality, or, as we more categorically see it, the object is not real at all.

There is, no doubt, nothing whatever that is 'real' in Time.


Non-manifestation is isness. Manifestation is isness objectified by an apparent subject that is itself an object. This, we, as that pseudo-subject, can recognise as one kind of that which we know as a dream.

Knowing, understanding this, we should find ourselves abolished - so that the dream should vanish, and only non-manifestation, timeless and immutable, remain.

Milarepa Too

'... to discover the non-existence of the personal ego and, therefore, the fallacy of the popular idea that it existeth ... In realising the non-existence of the personal ego the mind must be kept in quiescence.' (p. 141)

'... to subdue the illusion of belief in a personal ego ...' (p. 245)

(© RKP, 1963)

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